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== Principles ==
Our manifesto, and thereby also the values derived from the manifesto, are unwavering and metaphorically speaking, deeply engraved in the hardest granite. Ideas are at the other end of the spectrum and are fluid. Ideas flutter around our granite tablets like butterflies. An idea born today and deemed good can be examined tomorrow and found to be bad.
Our principles are located between these poles. Closer to the granite, but no longer unshakeable. Principles thus have stability and constancy on the one hand, but can also undergo slow change. Principles originate as ideas, and bring at their inception a heightened quality that already indicates at that point that it is not merely an idea.
Once a principle is recognized as such, a function can be derived from it. We will discuss functions in the next chapter. Since ideas are fluid by nature and also due to psychological dynamics we have already described, for instance, a principle of our alliance is the priority of written communication. This means that communication should always be written as much as possible. Communication also includes the dialogue with oneself. A function now allows our alliance to collectively log ideas in a service we call ULTANIO Mind.
We now wish to describe some of the core principles in the following. The goal at this point should not be to fully describe all our principles, but to provide a view of sufficient scope for our protocol to be understood in its entirety.
Our principles thus form a network that has a certain dynamic. Individual principles can be like nodes in a network, linked to other principles, or they can be singular, that is, without connection. From the number of nodes, a certain hierarchy arises, which can cautiously be described with the terms main principles and sub-principles.
In the following we want to take into account this hierarchy only to the extent that we pick out and describe the eleven principles important for understanding the protocol. Some other principles can be taken from the previous chapters and are not listed separately here. Other principles still remain hidden from the reader and he will learn about them in due course after joining our alliance.
== Functions ==
Let's recall: One dimension of our protocol is a process that transforms our values into software. In this process, values therefore flow into principles from which functions are derived.
Our functions as part of and as a phase of the process can also be described as action protocols. These functions are therefore partial reference implementations of our entire protocol.
Next, we want to highlight two such action protocols and specific implementations that we practice in our alliance, and describe them as examples for you.
=== Ideas Dinner ===
An Ideas Dinner is a regular conversation format where we invite selected guests, candidates, and members of our alliance in metropolises such as Berlin, Zurich, or London, as well as on the sidelines of conferences such as in Davos, for a joint dinner. Each participant brings an idea to this meeting. The ideas are presented initially by the participants. This is followed by a moderated discussion where the ideas are explored from various perspectives. All ideas are summarized in writing after our dinner by the respective leader who organized the dinner. If interested, we establish contacts between the participants and also accompany the progression of the ideas.
So, at our Ideas Dinner, every participant can surely take away many new ideas. Moreover, these Ideas Dinners are an opportunity to personally experience our protocol at a dinner, and they act as a springboard for ideas, as ideas are now shared, enriched, and promoted.
=== Mind ===
We've already briefly mentioned our software ULTANIO Mind elsewhere. This prototype makes it possible to document your ideas in a web-based software and share them with your tribe, the federation, or the public. Mind evaluates and analyzes ideas based on artificial intelligence, rewards good ideas with ULTA, our currency, and makes suggestions based on artificial intelligence for further ideas that could be enriching. In addition to these core functions, we have already turned many other principles into source code, such as the principle of ascent, the principle of adventure, and also the principle of history.

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