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In other words: We do not align with the inflated notion of friendship as defined by contemporary social media. In our ranks, we maintain a clear hierarchy, which is crucial to the structure of our alliance.
In other words: We do not align with the inflated notion of friendship as defined by contemporary social media. In our ranks, we maintain a clear hierarchy, which is crucial to the structure of our alliance.
== Principle of Ideas ==
The core of our alliance is ideas. For us, the quantity of ideas is more important than quality. This is, of course, inherent in the nature of ideas. Ideas generate more ideas, and to create a good idea, you first need many ideas.
A good idea implicitly contains information about how it wants to work in the future. Thus, a good idea also includes a good plan.
The principle of the idea is a core principle of our alliance. We share ideas as openly as possible and evaluate ideas based on transparent standards. With us, the best ideas win, not the loudest ones or those that shine the brightest like false diamonds.
== Principle of Double Loop ==
Our principle of the double loop describes the process of how new guests become aware of us and how we create new tools for our alliance. The process always starts with a good idea. Good ideas attract interesting people. These people generate new ideas and bring these new ideas into our alliance. The other loop around the idea is that a good idea always leads to a tool. The use of these tools then leads to good new ideas.
In short: this principle has two loops that constantly reinforce each other and at their core always generate good ideas.
== Principle of Ascendancy ==
The basis of our alliance's membership and hence our protocol is a personal account. Each account goes through various stages during its membership.
The first stage, as already mentioned, is a so-called guest membership. Here, inclined and possibly suitable guests can sniff us out and ask questions, and we can sniff out and ask questions about these guests at this stage. If the guest membership stage is successfully completed, the candidacy stage follows. Our candidate receives a challenge specially created for him from a mentor of our alliance chosen specifically for him. If our candidate successfully completes this challenge, a committee decides on the candidate's admission. The candidate then formally becomes a member. But this third stage is just the beginning. Our alliance strives to support the members as best as possible, and thus further stages follow membership, promoting personal growth and creating new opportunities.
The principle of ascendancy, however, also excludes descendancy and only allows for exit as an option. We believe that development is a continuous process. We also believe that we only have a limited time to create. Therefore, we want to carefully choose what we want to create, and each member of our alliance should - if it decides to work within our alliance – only ascend or, if this does not succeed, exit.
== Principle of Adventures ==
Our alliance constantly and carefully evaluates many ideas. From these, we select the best ideas and then put them into action. Some of these ideas, like the principles, are very special ideas: they are very big ideas and we call them adventures beyond culture. These adventures are designed to last several decades to realize our vision of a postculture, a postnation, and our posthumanism.
The measurable success of these adventures is our benchmark.
== Principle of History ==
We have already briefly outlined our principle of the priority of writing in the introduction to this chapter. This principle states that written communication in our alliance takes precedence over oral communication. If a phone call or meeting cannot be avoided, a transcript of this communication is invaluable. A transcript not only documents insights and tasks that have emerged from this communication but can also be shared with other members. Reading is also many times faster than speaking, so to reach this information through a video recording. This principle is a sub-principle of the principle of history.
Our big goal is to develop a protocol in which, among other things, Artificial Intelligence can learn. Therefore, our history can only consist of a digital history and a written history. In our protocol, every action of an account is an epoch. We will pay more attention to this aspect in one of the next chapters.
== Principle of Tools ==
In addition to ideas and adventures, our alliance develops its own tools, which are of essential importance to create our great vision. Here too, the principle of purity often plays a crucial role, since it is associated with high costs to develop a tool itself instead of using a similar service from a company on the market.
However, our long-term view pays off here too and thus protects us from unnecessary dependencies that weaken us and would become an unbearable burden in the future.
Our goal is to create as modular tools as possible, each of which represents value for our members.
== Principle of Tribes ==
Every person usually has a goal that lies some distance ahead of him. This goal is the pole star that shines for this person and thus guides him. A teenager might be passionate about programming his own computer game, or a mother wants to realize her dream of running a full marathon.
Within our alliance, there are numerous so-called tribes, and each tribe has a goal. We have a tribe that wants to hack dreams and thus turns to Lucid dreaming, a tribe that plans for the colonization of Mars, or a tribe that wants to learn Chinese in a completely new way.
Every member of our alliance is also a member of one or more tribes and thus has the opportunity to exchange ideas in these tribes, based on a software we have created, to support their personal goal, and also to be inspired.
== Principle of Remuneration ==
The ultimate goal of our protocol is to evaluate ideas algorithmically and also all actions that lead to the realization of our vision, algorithmically. Once we succeed in this, we can pay remuneration to anyone who brings ideas and other contributions, which no longer depends on human discretion and cognitive biases, but takes place much better through machine learning. The idea is to create our own currency, which we call ULTA and which is part of our protocol.
Of course, we are aware that many problems in Artificial Intelligence, in our protocol, and in other technical disciplines still need to be solved to realize this project. Nevertheless, the principle of remuneration for us is always a final benchmark to see how well we and our protocol are developing.

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