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Markets were an idea. But we can do better.
Markets were an idea. But we can do better.
We will make it!
== For Your Business ==
This book is for all the brave, strong, and free spirits. To truly be free, it is important to have control over yourself and also your time. For this, having your own business is of great value. You may now either be in the position to look at your own business with great pride, or you may be aspiring to achieve this goal.
Perhaps you have entirely different plans. But even then, it may be of value to you to at least consider the idea of starting a business from time to time - to mull it over and see how it suits you. We will elaborate on this in the following.
You can start a business with no employees. Like if you are an artist or craftsman. You can start a business as soon as you can read. So even a child can start a business. It's not necessary to establish a corporation, i.e., a legal entity, and even this would be possible.
All you need is an idea and a name. You can make airplanes out of waste paper and sell them. The common saying is: if there's a will, there's a way.
For those pursuing a career and are satisfied in their current company, we would like to ask the following questions:
Have you got all possibilities to create something?
Does the company where you work always act and support you in your best interest?
We are aware that we are asking questions that you might at first see as critical and leading in one direction. Just let these questions stand and keep them in mind when you are on your way to work or on your way home.
We will make it!
== For Entrepreneurs ==
First of all, we would like to express our respect for you at this point. Even though we consider it advisable to found and run a company, it demands a lot from those who do it. Being an entrepreneur shapes you.
Like every family, every business is different. From startup to corporation. From technology to finance.
Our ideas are the essences that we believe are universally valuable for every business. Our ideas are again based on our manifesto, and our ideas are mostly timeless thought models. Nevertheless, it is, of course, necessary to question, check, understand, and improve these models.
We will make it!
== For Our Businesses ==
The core problem of the New Great Stagnation is a culture of fear that merely repeats what already exists. We need big ideas that lead to key innovations and thus create change.
We will make it!
== For Your Finances ==
Although one of the first words that we learned after mom, dad, and car is money. Even though money accompanies us every day from the earliest days of our childhood, neither our educational institutions nor any other organizations offer a chance to learn about handling money.
We would like to introduce you three simple ideas on this matter.
The first idea is to ask the question: What is money? Ask yourself, and ask others, then observe. It can also be enlightening to further question their answers.
The second idea is, before you spend money, quickly calculate what what you are about to spend will be worth in 30 years. For this, you can simply multiply the amount by 10 as a rule of thumb.
The third idea is to consider how long you have to work for something you want to buy or have already spent.
Just these three questions can change your approach to money fundamentally and thus significantly improve your finances.
You can do it!
== For Our Finances ==
A central driver of the New Great Stagnation is the unpleasant virtue of creating money out of nothing. Since U.S. President Richard Nixon lifted the so-called gold standard in 1971, all central banks are merrily creating money out of thin air.
Of course, it will be an ardous task to tidy up the resulting mess made by this financial hocus-pocus over the past 50 years. When money becomes more and more, it becomes less and less valuable. So it is important to buy something with it quickly.
The idea is to create a new hard money system and thus get rid of the wrong conceptions of value. While consumption has mattered over the past 50 years, saving will matter in our new system.
Self-confessed experts naturally have many arguments why this will not work. It may be advisable to read a few works from the Austrian School.
Of course, there are also the colleagues from central banks who meet every four weeks to agree on a number. But here too, we have an idea: An algorithm that makes real-time decisions based on a good database.
We also have a simple idea for the financial management of nation-states: Only spend as much as you take in.
We have another idea for tax systems: Shift from the principle of fairness to the principle of simplicity. In practice, this means more consumption taxes, which are charged when purchasing. This will save much effort involved in tax collection.
Finally, an idea for our state finances. Every citizen tries to invest their hard-earned money so that it works as hard as possible. The state, however, invests its money at 0% interest rates; it puts its money, to stick with the analogy, on the couch to laze around. We propose that state finances are invested using exactly the same principles as the world's professional capital allocators, such as in undervalued shares.
Our simple ideas for the finances of our nation-states can simplify taxes and restore the budgets to health.

We will make it!
We will make it!