New pages
- 18:02, 21 November 2023 Shane Legg (hist | edit) [32 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{EarlyStage}} DeepMind Papers")
- 18:02, 21 November 2023 Intelligence (hist | edit) [34 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{EarlyStage}} == Definition == .")
- 18:01, 21 November 2023 Compounding (hist | edit) [54 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{EarlyStage}} == Mental Model == . == Examples == .")
- 18:01, 21 November 2023 Tim Berners-Lee (hist | edit) [45 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{EarlyStage}} == Books == . == Quotes == .")
- 18:01, 21 November 2023 The Act of Creation (hist | edit) [47 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{EarlyStage}} == Content == . == Quotes == .")
- 18:00, 21 November 2023 Arthur Koestler (hist | edit) [44 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{EarlyStage}} == Books == Ghost in the ...")
- 18:00, 21 November 2023 Bisociation (hist | edit) [40 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{EarlyStage}} Finding the missing Link")
- 18:00, 21 November 2023 Elon Musk (hist | edit) [44 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{EarlyStage}} Extinctionists vs. Humanists")
- 17:59, 21 November 2023 First Principles thinking (hist | edit) [37 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{EarlyStage}} Aristoteles Elon Musk")
- 17:59, 21 November 2023 Map is not the territory (hist | edit) [48 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{EarlyStage}} Mental Model")
- 17:59, 21 November 2023 Charlie Munger (hist | edit) [63 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{EarlyStage}} Warren Buffetts Partner Poor Charlies Almanack")
- 17:58, 21 November 2023 Mental models (hist | edit) [82 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{EarlyStage}} What are Mental Models? The following is a list of Mental Models.")
- 14:42, 21 November 2023 Goals in Adaptive Systems (hist | edit) [7,815 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "In the realm of adaptive systems, goals are a central concept around which different theorists have built their models. Three notable models that incorporate goals are Ashby's Law of Requisite Variety, Arthur Koestler's concept of bisociation, and the definition of intelligence offered by Marcus Hutter. This article explores the function of goals within each of these models and discusses how the principle of compounding can enhance the effectiveness of goal achievement....")
- 11:38, 20 November 2023 Theodore Roosevelt (hist | edit) [929 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created page with " = The Man in the Arena = It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusi...")
- 14:41, 19 November 2023 Do things that don't scale (hist | edit) [24,888 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== One of the most common types of advice we give at Y Combinator is to do things that don't scale == A lot of would-be founders believe that startups either take off or don't. You build something, make it available, and if you've made a better mousetrap, people beat a path to your door as promised. Or they don't, in which case the market must not exist. [1] Actually startups take off because the founders make them take off. There may be a handful that just grew by the...")
- 14:10, 19 November 2023 Ultanio and Philosophy (hist | edit) [71 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created blank page)
- 14:07, 19 November 2023 Ultanio and Ideologies (hist | edit) [749 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created blank page)
- 14:07, 19 November 2023 Ultanio and Science (hist | edit) [0 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created blank page)
- 14:07, 19 November 2023 Ultanio and Culture (hist | edit) [0 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created blank page)
- 14:07, 19 November 2023 Ultanio and Society (hist | edit) [0 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created blank page)
- 14:06, 19 November 2023 Ten ways to make a political difference (hist | edit) [3,330 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= Ten ways to make a political difference = == Ten ways to be an effective political activist, in a roughly decreasing order of importance: == # '''Be prepared to vote with your feet.''' Add interstate and international diversity to your social networks -- both personal and business. Lower your costs of exiting, if the need should arise, the jurisdictions that impose on the territories wherein you reside. Repeatedly in history -- from the old American frontier to the f...")
- 13:27, 19 November 2023 Paul Graham (hist | edit) [32 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created page with " Do things that don't scale")
- 13:25, 19 November 2023 Albert Einstein (hist | edit) [117 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "“I am thankful for all of those who said NO to me. It's because of them I'm doing it myself.” ― Albert Einstein")
- 13:23, 19 November 2023 Questions (hist | edit) [34 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created page with " Why is a Machine beyond Culture?")
- 13:22, 19 November 2023 What Ultanio is not (hist | edit) [482 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created page with " Ultanio is not another Manifesto Ultanio is not another Book Ultanio is not another StartUp Ultanio is not another VC Ultanio is not another Lab Ultanio is not another Piece of Art Ultanio is not another Philosophy Ultanio is not another Paradigm Ultanio is not another Party Ultanio is not another City Ultanio is not another Nation Ultanio is not another Organisation Ultanio is not another Movement Ultanio is not another Religion Ultanio is not good and n...")
- 13:22, 19 November 2023 Ultanio and Belief Systems (hist | edit) [66 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created page with " Ultanio and NLP Ultanio and Nondualism Ultanio and Extropianism")
- 13:02, 19 November 2023 Ultanio and ... (hist | edit) [25 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created page with " Ultanio and Psychology")
- 13:29, 18 November 2023 Gavin Elwood (hist | edit) [2,576 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Gavin Elwood is a distinguished member of the ULTANIO Movement and occupies the influential role of a Digital Asset Broker. With a focus on fostering the ideals of One World, One Goal, One Super Humanity, Elwood's expertise is integral to the financial and technological progress within the movement. === Early Life and Education === Elwood was born into a family that valued innovation and education. From a young age, he showed an aptitude for technology and finance. He p...")
- 13:26, 18 November 2023 Luna Sol (hist | edit) [2,665 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created page with " == Background == Luna Sol is an esteemed member of the ULTANIO alliance, offering more than two decades of professional insight as a Psychic/Medium. Originating from Mexico, she has honed her craft through a deep, intimate connection with the metaphysical world. Luna's expertise is especially prominent in the realm of lucid experiences, leveraging altered states of consciousness to navigate the hidden corridors of the human psyche. == Contributions to ULTANIO == Luna S...")
- 13:15, 18 November 2023 DreamCraft (hist | edit) [28 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created page with " Advanced Lucid Dreaming")
- 13:10, 18 November 2023 Leo Scirocco (hist | edit) [2,388 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Leo Scirocco is an enterprising venturer and the innovative founder of DreamCraft, a startup dedicated to the development of cutting-edge technology for inducing and enhancing lucid dreaming experiences. With his sights set on unlocking the potential of the human mind, Leo has become a prominent figure within the ULTANIO Alliance, contributing to the collective vision of One World, One Goal, and one Super Humanity. == Biography == '''Leo Scirocco''' was born on March 22...")
- 13:07, 18 November 2023 ULTANIO Bavaria (hist | edit) [3,183 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= ULTANIO Monaco Tribe = The ULTANIO Monaco Tribe is a vibrant community of ULTANIO adherents based in Bavaria, also known as Bayern, a federal state of Germany. This group is dedicated to integrating the transcendent philosophy of ULTANIO with the rich cultural heritage of Bavaria. They strive to tailor the Universal Manifesto to resonate with the local dialect and traditions, bridging the past with the future. == Introduction == The ULTANIO movement has always been a...")
- 12:39, 18 November 2023 Monacio Frantello (hist | edit) [1,815 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Magician from Munich, Leader of the ULTANIO Bavaria Tribe. === Biography === Monacio Frantello hails from the venerable Frantello family, known for producing significant wizards over generations. His early inclination towards magic was nurtured within his family environment. === Magical Education === Frantello received his education at the prestigious Magician's School of the Ultanio Alliance. Owing to his exceptional magical affinity, the early recognition of his...")
- 12:34, 18 November 2023 Advanced Lucid Dreaming (hist | edit) [5,537 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= Introduction to Advanced Lucid Dreaming = == Revision of Lucid Dreaming Basics == * What Constitutes an Advanced Lucid Dreamer? * Goals of Advanced Lucid Dreaming * Enhancing Dream Recall: Techniques & Tools === Dream Journals: Beyond the Basics === * Memory Enhancement for Dreamers * Dietary and Lifestyle Adjustments for Improved Recall * Advanced Induction Techniques === Wake-Back-To-Bed (WBTB) Method - Advanced Considerations === * Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dre...")
- 04:20, 17 November 2023 Improve (hist | edit) [43 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created blank page)
- 04:20, 17 November 2023 Understand (hist | edit) [43 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created blank page)
- 04:20, 17 November 2023 Question (hist | edit) [43 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created blank page)
- 04:20, 17 November 2023 Everything learns (hist | edit) [0 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created blank page)
- 04:16, 17 November 2023 Use technology (hist | edit) [42 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created blank page)
- 03:41, 17 November 2023 Share ideas (hist | edit) [43 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created blank page)
- 03:41, 17 November 2023 Live beyond others' norms (hist | edit) [43 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created blank page)
- 03:40, 17 November 2023 Become your own nation (hist | edit) [42 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created blank page)
- 03:40, 17 November 2023 Become technology (hist | edit) [43 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created blank page)
- 03:40, 17 November 2023 Overcome yourself (hist | edit) [43 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created blank page)
- 03:40, 17 November 2023 Beyond culture, freedom begins (hist | edit) [43 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created blank page)
- 03:38, 17 November 2023 As you can become aware of a dream, you can become aware of reality (hist | edit) [293 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "thumb|Lucid_Reality thumb|Lucid_Reality thumb|Lucid_Reality thumb|Lucid_Reality thumb|Lucid_Reality")
- 03:37, 17 November 2023 Achieve the impossible (hist | edit) [179 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "thumb|Achieve_the_Impossible thumb|Achieve_the_Impossible")
- 03:37, 17 November 2023 Think in generations (hist | edit) [127 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "thumb|Think_in_Generations thumb|Think_in_Generations")
- 03:37, 17 November 2023 Own (hist | edit) [73 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "thumb|Own")
- 03:37, 17 November 2023 Create (hist | edit) [79 bytes] Theo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "thumb|Create")