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Our vision is designed to have a lasting impact for many generations and beyond.

Nevertheless, we would like to present to you our roadmap, which is designed for the next 30 years. Our roadmap includes all the essential stops that we want to jointly reach by the year 2050.

Of course, this roadmap becomes less clear from milestone to milestone. Once we reach a milestone, new priorities may arise. We may be gifted with new insights that lead to changes in the planning.

This book serves as a significant first milestone on our journey towards our vision. It not only documents our philosophical foundations for the first time but also presents them to our guests. As the nucleus upon which all future endeavors will be built, this book holds immeasurable value.


Like a sparkling stone that a little boy found on the shore of a peaceful mountain lake and now hurls into the air and far into the center of this mirror in a high arc, our book will also create waves that gently, steadily, and decisively spread over the smooth surface.

This movement is our next stop on our roadmap to the big vision.

From now on, it requires having big and open ears, big and open eyes to fully enjoy these beautiful waves on our mountain lake with more insight, feeling, fluidity, lightness, height, bravery, and pride. You know it. We organize ourselves and our endeavors in Ventures. For the next stop that lies ahead of us, we want to start three Ventures, each independent and standing on its own feet, yet these three Ventures hold hands together and gaze into each other's eyes alternately, like a family saying grace before lunch. So let us now examine each Venture separately and finally explore their interaction in more detail.

The Canon

Every day, almost 5,000 new books are published on this planet. That is an impressive library room that some families proudly call their own. Yet, these books that are thrown onto the market daily only repeat what already exists and, if anything, these books only highlight problems. The authors of this worthless flood of books are blinded by our culture when selecting the problem areas and point their dirty quills in all possible directions, always aiming in the wrong one. We should also mention that these so-called authors not only perpetuate false problems in society, but also make no attempts to provide solutions.

The discerning reader of these lines may now argue that the author would have become an entrepreneur if he had solutions. We should counter that a contemporary late-capitalist entrepreneur would not have time to write books, as they are busy day in and day out repainting the two-hundredth copy of an existing product and then fabricating trivial stories to mask their unattractive replicas. Enough!

We should also omit the fact that when a book really does provide solutions, it often only ends up wrapped in gift paper and finds its way onto a bookshelf, where it enthusiastically gathers dust or, worse, is misunderstood by its readers. These readers may have learned letters, but they cannot think.

Our canon, dear friends, aims to create books that do not stay on the surface. Our canon aims to create books that delve into new depths, and our canon aims to create books that establish connections between important fields where dusty desert sand has been bored until now.

Our canon will be about information, thus making a difference that makes a difference.

We believe that this book can be a beginning for some. However, once one has repeatedly taken this book in hand for a time, once all the essences have passed into the famous, infamous flesh and also into the blood, then it is time for even finer and newer impulses.

The Academy

Currently, with 200 million students globally, approximately every other young person is a student. This statistic, when juxtaposed with the phenomenon of the Great Stagnation, indicates that studying at a university presently does not necessarily generate graduates who significantly contribute to the advancement of humanity.

Celebrating new creations, over memorizing outdated facts.

Is it surprising? One needs to glance at the remuneration system of the universities, which quickly reveals itself as a massive pyramid scheme. The expectation is for a student to become a professor who, in turn, produces as many professorial students as possible. This seems unsustainable and disheartening. Despite this, we have established a university. Nevertheless, our institution will differ fundamentally from conventional universities, while achieving what these universities initially promised: Education.

Concededly, we've substituted one entrenched term for another. The word 'education' originated from the Latin 'educatio', meaning 'a breeding, a bringing up, a rearing'. We've adopted this definition for 'education', placing emphasis on 'shaping' and 'creating'. Currently, the term 'education' is overused, and all modern interpretations of it are faulty. Presently, 'education' primarily signifies the extent to which a person's knowledge aligns with reality.

We understand that reality is occurring every moment, making knowledge perpetually outdated. The skewed measure that modern education tends to rely upon, due to lack of clarity and vision, is action and creation, which were integral to the original definition of the term. Modernism, and its unruly offspring post-modernism, have successfully distorted and stripped education of its true essence.


Our university is dedicated to fostering creativity! Our doors are open to everyone worldwide who wishes to create. Whether someone is a professional in a leading position, a budding entrepreneur with a brilliant idea, or a kindergartener practicing art by throwing snowballs at teachers – we welcome you all! Regarding the designation of our proposed institution, we prefer to call our university an "academy" rather than a "university". This is not in compliance with the existing universities or due to semantic burdens. We don't settle for less optimal reasons!

Students of the ULTANIO Academy celebrating their creations.

Only in the libertarian and more citizen-oriented legal system of the United States can an organization freely call itself a university. In all European countries, once an institution assumes the title "university", it is required to comply with stringent state laws. These laws specifically and unambiguously dictate what can and must be taught. Unfortunately, the curriculum is usually as up-to-date as an antiquated relic, yet it is proudly characterized as academic freedom. However, we always strive to operate well within the existing laws, hence the decision to name ourselves an academy. We aim to establish an academy that embodies a community in the traditional sense. A new global hub where educators and students unite to enhance our canon through research and teaching. Our academy places you at the heart of all endeavors, empowering you to generate grander ideas.

Hence, we believe, Plato himself would choose to join the Ultanio Academy today!

The Scout

ULTANIO Scout is a collection of services that aim to provide individuals with cutting-edge intelligence technology in the future, to support them in making better decisions.

Every nation state operates its own intelligence services. The budget that states collectively allocate for these services is roughly one-tenth of all expenditures they make. So, every tenth dollar or euro that a state spends goes to these services. Roughly speaking, half of these expenditures are invested in services operated by the states themselves, and the other half of the pie is passed on to private companies that then act on behalf of the states. Essentially, these services act as advisors to the state. They gather information in various ways and then evaluate it. At the very end, the supreme leader is presented with a brief each morning, which they then read or not. Essentially, it contains what are currently the greatest risks. In other words, it is a daily newspaper that everyone would wish for themselves. So again, in other words: Assuming all these services did not act in the interest of the state but in their own interest, then this report, which naturally would be different for every individual, would be of inestimable value. This is, of course, a utopia, but it points us in the cardinal direction towards which our services also aim.

We start with a regular and written report, which is tailored to each member individually and which describes our forecast for that member's personal opportunities as well as personal risks as accurately as possible.

That is the core of ULTANIO Scout.

Next Stop: The Think Tank

We have now described three independent Ventures that we want to embark on, which are intended to be played and belong together. In what follows, we will describe our next destination.

Over the next 18 months, by spring 2024, we will create the world's first private think tank. Let's first take a look at what is generally understood by a think tank and what our new concept of a private think tank is.

Think tanks are organizations that seek to influence through the research, development, and evaluation of political, social, and economic concepts. These can include political goals as well as economic ones. Clients of think tanks are, on one hand, political entities and, on the other hand, the economy.

The term Think Tank originally comes from security policy and referred to a secure place where experts worked on military strategies.

The task of these "factories" is essentially the evaluation of ideas, and their clients are organizations.

The interested reader may now be able to discern where our journey is headed: Our think tank also has the task of evaluating ideas, but not for organizations, rather for individuals! Our private think tank stands on the three pillars that we have already described: our Canon, our Academy, and our Scout.

To now concretize this goal, we will describe our business model in what follows.

You are the client of our think tank. Clients of our think tank are individuals who want to create something.

Through additional books, seminars, software, and consulting, we create a special value for our clients:

We support our clients in creating something by evaluating concrete ideas for them and by creating tools for our clients that help them evaluate ideas on their own.