
Revision as of 11:36, 2 November 2023 by Theo (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Superculture == A new morning flashes in the sky. Unusual and surprising. Isn’t it too often? Surprising? What is habit? A pattern. And this? Efficiency. And this? Star-born. The medium is my message. How can you own without being possessed? Can you do this? Magical. Smiling sky of eyes. For I love you, oh eternity. Pattern, efficiency, and habit. That is culture. I want to rise behind it. I want to understand. Then I can improve. Everything learns - anyway and a...")
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A new morning flashes in the sky. Unusual and surprising. Isn’t it too often? Surprising? What is habit? A pattern. And this? Efficiency. And this?

Star-born. The medium is my message. How can you own without being possessed? Can you do this? Magical. Smiling sky of eyes. For I love you, oh eternity.

Pattern, efficiency, and habit. That is culture. I want to rise behind it. I want to understand. Then I can improve. Everything learns - anyway and always. Everything learns unconditionally. How can I get behind and above culture?

Do I have to take each individual term, unwrap and look at it like a Christmas present? No must, a pleasure. A may. We are immersed in culture. We swim in culture, just as we live in a sea of air. Without ever seeing air and without being aware before each breath of what we now deeply inhale.

Draft. Breath. Lust. Revenge. Stone. Leg. Fall. Bang. Are these just the words I'm allowed to unwrap? Am I not allowed to unpack sentences too? Out. Pack.

The path goes from the individual word, from the frequent word, to the rare one. You will see that every single gift is formed through analogy. But what's at the beginning? Look closely.

How can we describe without language? How could I describe this here and now with and also without language?

It's slipping away from me, slipping, sliding, floating, hovering freely … Good? What makes sense?

What fear lurks around the corner, behind which you don't even dare to look? What is courage? Isn't courage too risky? Not, what is not? Is Not impossibility?

The impossibility contains among other things the Not. But it also contains quadroflactivist Retrubeprabance and radiant, sunlit Open. It contains retro-palto-bene weapons arsenal and cult open. Moonlight green. Sandblue powder coating. Just go ahead my friend…

I set off. This is a description of the possibility. Set off. I. Already moved further to the border and something draped. But to get behind the border, to get beyond culture, you insist: Avanti per Pedes Now Organism. Yes? Is Avanti per Pedes Now Organism already beyond the border?

Simply setting off. That would be beyond the border. But how can this be described? Should it be described at all? Why should I describe what lies beyond the border? As soon as I cross the border, I experience it and can describe it in retrospect.

This is beyond culture. A gate has opened and created space for new possibilities. This space is available to us at any moment. This space is always there. But rarely visible. Presence is a key.

Culture is a collaboration. Culture is a system. The art - if you like - is to detach oneself from this system, of which one is a part.

Another quick pan back. Decadence. Follow the joy. Do you see something here? Can you recognize something here? Both are models of third parties.

Does it take a crisis to be able to break through? Does the disturbance have to be enormous to detach yourself from the system?

Crisis is culture. Crisis is wide, bombastic and lustful. The crisis wants to be stirred with some of the fine other words in fine brushstrokes first and then carefully applied in a dancing manner. Then the crisis becomes counter-culture. Then the crisis becomes beyond culture.

Subculture, what a faffery. But not only silly also measuring tape and scales for the pettiness, the ridiculous simplicity of our culture. We are also so proud of our culture that we don't let anything get beyond it. Once a new idea has seen the light of the world, this idea briefly crossed the border of culture, it is immediately reintegrated, under the culture. Stepping out of line, my dear friends, is not a good look. We have our rules and we stick to them. They don't work, but we have something to hold on to. After all, we are also no longer the youngest ones.

What energy leads to this contraction? A too similar energy. Like two magnets. The smallest impulse is enough for them to stick together forever.

Superculture you can call it. A culture that goes beyond the existing culture. That climbs up to the culture and hoists a flag. Here I am! Over You and I am here for the first time. Like the first person to set foot on the moon.


They call it attention. We call it Superattention.

Their attention jumps from one part to another as soon as a leaf flaps in the wind. Our attention encompasses everything and a part. Our attention is strong like the sun's rays, which through a burning glass are bundled and ignite the paper in no time. One thing is more important than the other in every moment. This One is our full attention as long as with full intensity, until the next one becomes more important.


They call it thinking. We call it Superthinking aka Mindful Thinking.

Thinking is only understood as an activity down in the swamp. Something that precedes an important action or decision. One thinks. I think. In doing so, I thought something or not. But thinking in the swamp is only vaguely recognized due to the shattered attention. One neither recognizes form nor extent and last but not least also not the reason. Our thinking, the overthinking, arises exclusively in recognizing the form and in the consciousness of the reason.


They call it language. We call it Superlanguage.

Let us first draw a resume again, what language describes in the swamp and which dynamics underlie it. Language here is primarily the framework of letters that form words and words that become sentences following a grammar. This is not even the end of the first chapter of overlanguage. Because language serves a purpose. Language has an effect. If such an important tool is understood so degenerate and used degenerate in an ever increasing mass, then this is a sign of an ever deeper swamp.

Our language goes far beyond their language. We lift the boundaries of letters, words, sentences, grammar, and even languages. We lift rhetoric to a new and unforeseen height. In absolute and unconditional freedom, something can then be created that we call overlanguage and that goes beyond the character of mere analogies.


They call it faith. We call it superstition.

At some point, a tool was invented that went beyond language: the ability to believe in something: witches, gods, destiny, fate, state, and money. After the tool was invented, it was used extensively and then forgotten that it was only found. Faith became a mechanism.

And here too, this is not even the end of the first chapter of superstition. Because faith also serves a purpose here. Faith is an effect. Again, the dynamics of degenerate understanding and the increasingly degenerate use strike: ever deeper swamp.

Our superstition is anti-superstition. Nothing is true. Everything learns. Question, check. Only through our anti-faith, through constantly improving our unbelief, do we rise to new heights every day.

Because we know one thing:

Once we consider the impossible possible, we can create the impossible.


They call it identity. We call it superidentity.

Identity is liability. Adherence to illusions that distract, lead astray, and take up space. Liability slows down speed as it produces a lot of friction.

But identities can easily be seen through and thus dissolved.

It was time to grow beyond this error-prone and inefficient mechanism.

Once identities fall away, it becomes clear that only a play of many small and large parts remains. However, this system can be observed and understood as a superidentity.

Then all senseless struggles and delusions fall away. What remains is a living network of intelligent parts that constantly learns.