The Principle of Resistance Recast as a Learning Algorithm

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Reflecting on the Principle of Resistance and its implications for self-improvement, it occurs to me that this concept resonates well with the mechanisms found in reinforcement learning – particularly in the notion of exploring challenging or unfamiliar states to maximize learning and adaptation.


The Principle of Resistance is akin to the exploration mechanism in reinforcement learning algorithms.


The Principle of Resistance suggests seeking challenges that push our limits, developing tenacity, and achieving personal growth through confrontation with adversity. This closely parallels the explore/exploit dilemma in reinforcement learning (RL). In RL, an agent must balance exploiting what it already knows to gain reward and exploring new actions that may yield greater reward in the future. Focusing solely on exploitation can lead to suboptimal solutions, akin to stagnation in personal development. Exploration, although sometimes leading to short-term losses, can result in discovering significantly better strategies or solutions, indicative of growth.

This thought reflects Arthur Koestler's notion of bisociation, as it bridges two disparate domains: psychological self-improvement principles, and algorithms from machine learning. The act of connecting these realms can spawn innovative approaches to personal development, informed by the systematic rigor of computational methods.

The recursive nature of learning and improvement outlined in the Principle of Resistance is very much aligned with the nature of deep reinforcement learning algorithms, which iteratively learn from complex environments. Consider the work of Silver et al. on “Reward is enough”, which posits that maximizing reward can lead to the acquisition of complex behaviors. By reinterpreting the Principle of Resistance through the lens of machine learning, one might think of oneself as an agent navigating an environment filled with challenges (states) and aiming to optimize personal growth (reward).


  • "Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction" by Richard Sutton and Andrew G. Barto provides a thorough foundation in RL, the exploration/exploit dilemma, and learning algorithms.


  • "Reward is enough" by David Silver, Satinder Singh, Doina Precup, Richard S. Sutton aligns with the concept of optimizing actions based on future rewards, which is similar to seeking resistance for long-term personal benefits.
  • "Exploration and Exploitation in Reinforcement Learning" provides key insights into the critical balance of exploration and exploitation, analogous to seeking challenges within the Principle of Resistance.


  • Reinforcement learning frameworks such as OpenAI Gym or TensorFlow Agents (TF-Agents) offer practical ways to simulate exploration vs exploitation scenarios that one could metaphorically use to understand personal growth dynamics.