The Philosophy of Quantum Consciousness in Entrepreneurship

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Contemplating how quantum consciousness might affect decision-making and innovation in entrepreneurship.


Entrepreneurial decisions and innovative thought processes may be interconnected with the concept of quantum consciousness.


The integration of quantum consciousness into the study of entrepreneurship opens up a rich landscape of conceptual possibilities. Quantum consciousness, a theory that suggests our thoughts and consciousness could be linked to quantum processes, may not be widely accepted in the scientific community but provides a fascinating lens through which to view decision-making and creativity in business. If human cognition operates on a level that is affected by quantum phenomena like superposition and entanglement, could entrepreneurs harness these principles metaphorically or even literally to enhance innovation?

This line of inquiry falls in line with Arthur Koestler's concept of bisociation where creative acts are the result of bringing together different matrices of thought. Traditional entrepreneurship would be one matrix, while quantum physics and consciousness form another. Bisociating these distinct fields could potentially yield fresh insights and methodologies for generating novel business ideas and problem-solving.

Drawing from the realm of quantum mechanics, entrepreneurs might begin to think about their businesses and markets in ways that are not linear and deterministic but rather entangled and full of potentialities. This could translate into practices where multiple business scenarios are conceived in parallel (akin to superposition), and a keen sense that decisions in one part of a business or market could have instantaneous implications elsewhere (analogous to quantum entanglement).

By entertaining the notion that consciousness and perception could be entangled with the material world, we might develop new entrepreneurial tactics that seek to 'collapse' the ideal scenario from a wave of probabilities into a solid reality. This reverie may be particularly relevant when considering the burgeoning fields of artificial intelligence and virtual realities, where the lines between thought and material manifestation are increasingly blurred.


  • “Quantum Enigma: Physics Encounters Consciousness” by Bruce Rosenblum and Fred Kuttner
  • “The Art of Creation” by Arthur Koestler
  • “Sync: How Order Emerges from Chaos in the Universe, Nature, and Daily Life” by Steven Strogatz
  • “Quantum Leadership: New Consciousness in Business” by Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall
  • “The Conscious Mind: In Search of a Fundamental Theory” by David J. Chalmers


  • "Quantum Creativity: Think Quantum, Be Creative" by Amit Goswami
  • “Quantum Physics for Poets” by Leon M. Lederman and Christopher T. Hill
  • “Reinventing Organizations: A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next Stage in Human Consciousness” by Frederic Laloux


  • "Strategic Management and the Exploration of Diversity in Complex Systems" by David L. Levy
  • "Entrepreneurial dynamics in the new economy: the convergence of complexity and quantum theories" by João Pedro Almeida & Mário Franco

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